The Six Values of Zion

Here at Zion, we believe that story is everything, and we are committed to helping our clients bring their visions to life with high-quality and compelling video content. To ensure that we are always creating the most engaging content possible, we recently sat down with our team to develop our core values.

These values not only sum up our approach to business as a whole, but they will also help guide every video that we create. Of course, these values may evolve as our business continues to grow and develop.

 So what are the six core values of Zion? Let’s take a look…


ZION VALUE No.1 - Story is Everything

This is our core principle. We believe that everyone and everything has a story to tell, and our experienced team is passionate about bringing this story to life in every project we create. Some businesses might say that ‘cash is king’, but here at Zion, we believe ‘story is king’.


ZION VALUE No.2 - Reaching new heights

We are committed to giving our customers the very best experience possible, and our team loves to go beyond your expectation. We are continuously pushing ourselves and going out of our comfort zones to create the most engaging video content possible. This approach ensures we are always innovating and reaching new heights with the work we produce.


ZION VALUE No.3 - Make it happen

When it comes to creating engaging content, you cannot just sit there and wait for it to happen. That is why our Zion team are always keen to ‘make it happen’ and will go above and beyond to ensure it does. If you dream it and believe it, we’ll make it happen.


ZION VALUE No.4 - Consistency

Consistency is at the core of everything that we do. From our launch in 2014, we have set the bar in creating the most compelling videos available, and ever since then, we have worked to maintain our standards. Sometimes it can be too easy to change things up and move on, but we’re keen to see things through with consistency.


ZION VALUE No.5 - Respect

Everyone deserves respect; it’s the least we can do. Here at Zion, we respect each other, we respect you, and we respect ourselves. We focus on having an open level of communication with every client, and we encourage each of them to ask any questions they might have – there’s no such thing as a bad question in our eyes!


ZION VALUE No.6 - Be good & Do good

Our final value is to be good and do good. We not only desire to produce good work with every project we complete but to also do good with it. Away from creating content, we love to support our community, and we are always looking to assist positive projects within our organisation.


Want to find out more about our values or how Zion can help you? Get in touch today!

Dave Watts

Director & Filmmaker


The Importance Of Storytelling For Charities